Barile Lab members present and receive recognition at UC Davis FST Symposium
On Thursday December 9, 2021 faculty, staff, post-doctoral scholars, graduate students, and undergraduate students gathered for the 7th annual UC Davis Department of Food Science and Technology Symposium. Faculty and graduate students shared information about their research through a series of flash talks and keynote presentations.
Barile Lab members Yu-Ping Huang and Oswaldo Hernandez both presented as part of the symposium. Yu-Ping Huang, a 5th year PhD Candidate, presented “Discovering small bioactive peptides in foods,” and Dr. Oswaldo Hernandez, a postdoctoral scholar in the Barile lab, gave a flash talk entitled “Harnessing functional carbohydrates from yeast cell walls.”
In addition to the presentations, Sierra Durham, a 5th year PhD Candidate in the Barile Lab and President of the Food Science Graduate Student Association at UC Davis, received a surprise recognition for her contributions to the Food Science Graduate Group.
Story by: Sierra Durham; Photos by: Irna Sitepu and Yu Wang